UW Board of Regents given responsibility for leases of real property occupied by the Board, including student housing [Sec. 596; original bill only] -
AB64UW Board of Regents given responsibility for leases of real property occupied by the Board, including student housing [Sec. 596] -
SB30UW Board of Regents prohibited from using certain procedure to supplement their budgets from compensation reserves [Sec. 9148 (1); original bill only] -
AB64UW Board of Regents prohibited from using certain procedure to supplement their budgets from compensation reserves [Sec. 9148 (1)] -
SB30UW Board of Regents required to allocate portion of GPR funding based on performance; percentages, criteria, and report provisions [Sec. 603; A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, performance criteria changed to goals for the UW System, Board of Regents to identify metrics to measure progress, outcomes-based funding formula and annual report to JCF required, innovation fund to increase enrollment in high-demand degree programs, 603m, deletes 603] -
AB64UW Board of Regents required to allocate portion of GPR funding based on performance; percentages, criteria, and report provisions [Sec. 603] -
SB30UW Board of Regents required to develop transfer policies for college credits earned by high school students in certain program; exam provision -
AB559UW Board of Regents required to develop transfer policies for college credits earned by high school students in certain program; exam provision -
SB407UW faculty and instructional academic staff teaching workloads: Board of Regents must develop and implement plan and policies re monitoring and rewarding; report required, accountability dashboard provision [Sec. 604-609, 625, 626] -
AB64UW faculty and instructional academic staff teaching workloads: Board of Regents must develop and implement plan and policies re monitoring and rewarding; report required, accountability dashboard provision [Sec. 604-609, 625, 626] -
SB30UW Flexible Options platform expanded; assistance becoming a registered nurse and preparing for initial teaching license and permits required [Sec. 9148 (2); A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, nursing provision removed, teaching license provision changed to teacher residency program between a UW school of education and a school district, 9148 (2p)] -
AB64UW Flexible Options platform expanded; assistance becoming a registered nurse and preparing for initial teaching license and permits required [Sec. 9148 (2)] -
SB30UW--Oshkosh Foundation, Inc.: transferring funds to prohibited without legislative enactment [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 602r] -
AB64UW segregated fees: Board of Regents to ensure classification as allocable or nonallocable is consistent across institutions, JCF approval [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 602p] -
AB64UW System allocable segregated fees defined and made optional for students [Sec. 611, 612, 615-622, 9348 (2); original bill only] -
AB64UW System allocable segregated fees defined and made optional for students [Sec. 611, 612, 615-622, 9348 (2)] -
SB30UW System report requirements revised and exempted from certain reports; commencement of classes for graduate health sciences classes revised -
AB932UW System report requirements revised and exempted from certain reports; commencement of classes for graduate health sciences classes revised -
SB790Wisconsin Grant formula modifications, JCF provision [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 600m, 628m, 704n-nr] -
AB64Wisconsin Merit scholarships: UW Board of Regents to award, conditions set, and UW—Stevens Point environmental programs provision [A.Amdt.1: transfer of trust fund lands by BCPL provision added; A.Amdt.2: sunset of scholarship added] -
AB804Wisconsin Merit scholarships: UW Board of Regents to award, conditions set, and UW—Stevens Point environmental programs provision -
SB700Precision medicine expanded at UW Carbone Cancer Center through the Precision Medicine Molecular Tumor Board [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 610m] -
AB64Public lands: BCPL may sell land to the state and DNR to purchase re Stewardship 2000 Program; county management of DNR land, forestry provision; UW Board of Regents to award Wisconsin Merit scholarships, UW--Stevens Point provision -
AB338Public lands: BCPL may sell land to the state and DNR to purchase re Stewardship 2000 Program; county management of DNR land, forestry provision; UW Board of Regents to award Wisconsin Merit scholarships, UW--Stevens Point provision -
SB270Wisconsin Institute for Sustainable Technology: environmental fund appropriation [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 223m] -
AB64Wisconsin Merit scholarships: UW Board of Regents to award, conditions set, and UW—Stevens Point environmental programs provision [A.Amdt.1: transfer of trust fund lands by BCPL provision added; A.Amdt.2: sunset of scholarship added] -
AB804Wisconsin Merit scholarships: UW Board of Regents to award, conditions set, and UW—Stevens Point environmental programs provision -
SB700Campus Free Speech Act: UW Board of Regents required to adopt a policy, conditions specified; disciplinary sanctions, council on free expression, and report provisions -
AB299Campus Free Speech Act: UW Board of Regents required to adopt a policy, conditions specified; disciplinary sanctions, council on free expression, and report provisions -
SB250Student members appointed to the UW Board of Regents: Governor required to select from recommendations made by elected representatives of student governments of UW System institutions -
AB992Student members appointed to the UW Board of Regents: Governor required to select from recommendations made by elected representatives of student governments of UW System institutions -
SB822Student victims of sexual violence and harassment: UW System required to provide reasonable accommodations -
AB1053UW System allocable segregated fees defined and made optional for students [Sec. 611, 612, 615-622, 9348 (2); original bill only] -
AB64UW System allocable segregated fees defined and made optional for students [Sec. 611, 612, 615-622, 9348 (2)] -
SB30Freedom to Learn program created re grants to certain resident students enrolled in technical colleges or two-year UW System schools; manufacturing tax credit sunsetted -
SB735Graduates of UW or technical colleges who paid nonresident tuition: DWD grant program for those individuals who work and live in Wisconsin after graduation; sunset and report provisions -
AB888Graduates of UW or technical colleges who paid nonresident tuition: DWD grant program for those individuals who work and live in Wisconsin after graduation; sunset and report provisions -
SB732Nonresident tuition exemption for national guard members enrolling in a UW System institution [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 612m, 9348 (3c)] -
AB64Resident undergraduate tuition frozen in 2017-18 and 2018-19 academic years [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9148 (3t)] -
AB64Tuition grant program for national guard members administered by DMA: administration revisions and differential tuition provision -
AB512Tuition grant program for national guard members administered by DMA: administration revisions and differential tuition provision -
SB410Tuition remission to students who were in foster care or other out-of-home placements: UW and technical college district boards to grant; DCF and HEAB provisions -
AB777Tuition remission to students who were in foster care or other out-of-home placements: UW and technical college district boards to grant; DCF and HEAB provisions -
SB729UW and technical college nonresident tuition exemption created for an alien who is not a legal permanent resident of the United States but meets certain criteria -
AB645UW segregated fees: Board of Regents to ensure classification as allocable or nonallocable is consistent across institutions, JCF approval [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 602p] -
AB64UW System allocable segregated fees defined and made optional for students [Sec. 611, 612, 615-622, 9348 (2); original bill only] -
AB64UW System allocable segregated fees defined and made optional for students [Sec. 611, 612, 615-622, 9348 (2)] -
SB30UW System nonresident tuition exemption requirements for members of Wisconsin National Guard or reserve unit of U.S. armed forces modified -
AB725UW System resident tuition for veterans and family members required if student is a ``covered individual” -
AB853UW System resident tuition for veterans and family members required if student is a ``covered individual” -
SB755Veterans and eligible spouses and their children enrolled in the UW System or a technical college: change to residency requirement for fee remission program [Sec. 613, 614, 636, 637; A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, residency requirements modified, 614d, h, 637d, h] -
AB64Veterans and eligible spouses and their children enrolled in the UW System or a technical college: change to residency requirement for fee remission program [Sec. 613, 614, 636, 637] -
SB30Wisconsin Grants to UW students: HEAB appropriation modified [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 204p, 704r] -
AB64Freedom to Learn program created re grants to certain resident students enrolled in technical colleges or two-year UW System schools; manufacturing tax credit sunsetted -
SB735LLC articles of organization: initial filing fee exemption for student entrepreneurs, definition provision -
AB498LLC articles of organization: initial filing fee exemption for student entrepreneurs, definition provision -
SB404Youth Options Program modified and renamed Early College Credit Program; part-time Open Enrollment Program restored with some exceptions [Sec. 209, 210, 400, 599, 629, 630, 631, 633, 642, 1396, 1465, 1471, 1473, 1536-1576, 1635; A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, private schools may participate and conditions set, DPI duties, 1554d-p, 1556m, 1560g, r, 1561m, 1564m, 1566g, r, 1570b-y, 1572m, 9135 (1p), 9435 (1p), (1q), deletes 599, 642, 1555, 1557, 1562, 1570] -
AB64Abortion prohibitions re UW System and UWHCA and their employees; funding provision -
AB206Abortion prohibitions re UW System and UWHCA and their employees; funding provision -
SB154Vaccine administered by pharmacist pursuant to a prescription order: patient age restriction removed, conditions set; pharmacy student provisions -
AB680Vaccine administered by pharmacist pursuant to a prescription order: patient age restriction removed, conditions set; pharmacy student provisions -
SB576Vaccine administration by pharmacy students requirements modified -
AB252Vaccine administration by pharmacy students requirements modified -
SB172Wisconsin Shares eligibility requirements and authorized hours revisions [Sec. 855, 866, 870, 874] -
AB64Wisconsin Shares eligibility requirements and authorized hours revisions [Sec. 855, 866, 870, 874] -
SB30Amusement devices and tournament or league entrance fees: sales and use tax exemption created, definition provision [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1194b, 9438 (2p)] -
AB64Retail food establishment that is a micro market: licensing, definition, and emergency rule provisions -
AB536Retail food establishment that is a micro market: licensing, definition, and emergency rule provisions -
SB478Soda water beverage equipment, not a coin-operated vending machine: DATCP prohibited from regulating terms of sale or rental of -
AB544Soda water beverage equipment, not a coin-operated vending machine: DATCP prohibited from regulating terms of sale or rental of -